Monday, 7 November 2011


I love the sound of rain. It reminds me of lazy days when I was a kid and would stay home creating little worlds for my dolls, and would play Crash Bandicoot on Playstation with my brother. It reminds me of simpler days, which for some reason I have been thinking a lot about.

As Gabriel Garcia Marquez put it "The heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good".

Anyway, this is a lovely site, and I've been using it a lot:

1 comment:

  1. Simpler days will never return alas, one of the certainties about growing older. But having had those days is a value in itself. Think of all the children in the world who never had or never will have a childhood that is simple and surrounded by family. Time past is perhaps the same as time future, and all time is eternally present. I am murdering the Beginning of T S Eliot's "Burnt Norton", one of the Four Quartets, but you get the idea. The trouble is that time may be all of these things, but we are at different places in time and cannot get to the past except in memory, which is always a sign of something that is absent.
