There was once a man who always sat down without putting his heels
on the ground. He would walk on the balls of his feet, as if he were
trying to levitate, removing his feet from the ground completely.
I saw him almost every day, walking around town, except it was more
like dancing than walking so light was his footfall. We spoke once. I asked him
why it was that he never put his heels on the ground and he answered simply:
‘I don’t? I guess a part of me thinks I don’t belong on Earth’ and,
chuckling, he pranced off.
Some weeks later I ran into him again and noticed there was
something different about him, but couldn’t quite place my finger on it. Then I
glanced down at his feet and was awestruck – his feet weren’t touching the
pavement at all. He was no longer walking around town, but floating. I didn’t
know what to make of it. At that precise moment he came up to me and said:
‘Hi there! Don’t you feel like today’s going to be a good, no, wait,
a great day? I sure do. I woke up
feeling in harmony with the world, without a worry on my mind. I felt that if I
jumped out of my window I wouldn’t even fall, but fly.’
‘I can see that’ I answered, smiling, and walked off, happy with
myself as I saw I had made his lips droop and the balls of his feet lower
again. He called to me, but I just carried on walking.
Puzzling and enigmatic. It seems like a light little tale but then the end turns unexpectedly dark and this surprise makes it better, especially because we don't quite know why the speaker has this effect on the floating man.